Friday, January 4, 2013

Gun safety begins with a safe

Whether you own a single pistol or a whole collection of rifles, it is essential to keep your gun secure from theft, the reach of children, or fire damage.  This is one area in which it does not pay to stint. The damage that can result from relying on an insecure safe goes far beyond the loss of a gun if it gets into the wrong hands.  Think about the key features of a gun safe and then make the right choice with the Tiger Supplies selection that guarantees top quality at the lowest prices with free shipping.

Gun theft
While many people acquire a gun for the sake of protection, the gun itself needs to be protected from theft.  According to the latest statistics on gun theft in the United States from the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), approximately 1.4 million firearms in total were stolen from 2005 through 2010.  That amounts to “an estimated average of 232,400 firearms stolen each year.” Handguns top the list of stolen firearms for that period. “At least one handgun was stolen in 63 percent of household burglaries.”   What those statistics mean is that there is a very good probability of having your handgun stolen out of your home.  Buying a safe to protect it is an essential move to averting an established risk.  Doesn’t it make sense to take the necessary steps to keep your gun safe and out of the hands of criminals?

Guns and children
Aside from the risk of robbery, there is the very serious risk of a young child getting hold of a gun that has not been safely locked away. In Unsafe Gun Safes Can Be Opened By A Three-Year Old, Mark Weber Tobias demonstrates that a child that young has no difficulty in getting a small gun safe with an electronic lock open in under a minute just by lifting it up a bit and dropping it enough to jar the mechanism. It was just that kind of safe that Ed Owens was issued by the Clark County Sheriff's Office to keep in his home. In 2010, Owens’ three-year-old son, Ryan, was killed by the gun that was locked in the safe.  In the Owens case, the department had opted for economy – by purchasing $36 gun safes – over true safety, with tragic results.

Compromising on safety is false economy

Tiger Supplies only carries top quality gun safes that cannot easily be opened by children or even expert burglars. They also hold up to fire, smoke, and water to keep your property intact.  Hollon gun safes products are designed and thoroughly tested for durability, so that not only meet but exceed industry standards.  Tiger guarantee the absolute best prices on Hollon gun safes with the added bonus of FREE shipping. 

Safe Lock
While not all electronic locks are as faulty as those used in the cheap Stack-On model, in general they are not quite as durable in the long term and require more attention than traditional locks. You would need to remember to change the battery on the safe and test that it is still in good working order.  For no worries, and longer life, you’re better off with a mechanical dial lock. A good quality manual lock will outlast an electronic one. All the gun safes carried by Tiger Supplies feature super-secure manual locks.

Safe Anchors
Even a fairly heavy safe can be removed from your home to allow a burglar time to work on how to crack it later. Consequently, the only way to truly secure your safe is to bold it down. That’s the reason why well-designed safes, like the ones you’ll find in the Hollon line, come with holes in place that allow you do just that.

Fire, Smoke, and Water Safety
All the gun safes that Tiger Supplies carries are fire rated for at least 1 hour of protection at 1250°F. Because a fire also produces smoke, and fighting a fire calls for water, the gun safe has to keep those out, as well. That’s why the safes that offer the best fire protection also feature a heat activated, expandable door seal.

Safe Size
Tiger Supplies offers a range of gun safe sizes to choose from. If you’re undecided about which size to get, opt for the larger size. Why? You get more use out of a larger safe.  While you may think, that you have only a small number of guns, so they should fit well into a 22"wide safe that indicates a capacity of 16. However, if your collection includes bolt action rifles or guns with scopes mounted on them, then you’ll find it a bit of a squeeze even for nine.  And if you acquire another rifle down the road, you’ll find you are out of room. At that point, you’ll need to buy a new safe.

Unless you’re absolutely positive that you will never add another rifle, shotgun, or pistol to your collection, the safe that allows some room for growth will prove the more economical choice. Even if your gun collection remains the same size, you can always use the extra space as you would any other safe – to store your valuables and documents you want to keep protected from theft and fire.  Better safes already include adjustable shelves, and some even offer a pocket door organizer.

For more information about the line of gun safes or any of the other Tiger Supplies items, call our experts at 888-844-376.5

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