Monday, August 20, 2012

Going Green with Tiger Supplies

Surveyors and architects are key players when it comes to a clean environment, not only are they the de facto ‘in charge’ planners of structures and buildings where the focus on clean energy and safe environment has taken on its highest performance, but also by assisting in the preservation of nature and property by surveying, measuring and marking planet earth’s best offerings in a manner that ensures a cleaner, safer and smarter future.
Tiger Supplies takes pride in effectively participating in cleaner environment practices and in raising awareness for the cause, by supporting and promoting many different programs by the industry and environment advocates, such as the annual “Survey Earth in a day” where Tiger supplies is a premium member and by actively joining the many local clean air communities.
Tiger supplies is also carrying a full line of eco friendly equipment and supply, such as construction lasers which are %100 environmental friendly certified, and by partnering hands with the manufacturers who deploy strictly earth friendly techniques.
When you purchase at Tiger Supplies,, and affiliates, you support the cause, and are preparing for a brighter future, a safer environment and are effectively making the world a better place.